Friday, September 11, 2009

Peanuts in the School Cafeteria

Christopher started classes at a new school this year. Me, being the overprotective Dad that I am, I was very interested (and concerned) about what type of monitoring would take place in regards to my son's peanut allergy. Christopher will be eating his lunch at a special peanut-free table. The school is also storing / keeping one of our Epipens and are trained on how to use it. After talking with his homeroom teacher, I have the sense that she has had many students (in her years as a teacher) that have had a peanut allergy, and she knows exactly what to look for. It's difficult enough for a parent to place their child's care in the hands of another individual... it's ever so much more difficult when that child has a potentially life threatening allergy. Sometimes you just have to have faith that everything will be okay.


  1. I am new to your blog. I found it today via my google alert for "peanut allergy". I have a son with a peanut allergy, too. He just started Kindergarten. His school serves PB&J everyday as a lunch option. We created a peanut-free table but, of course, I am still nervous. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    I occassionally blog about my son's allergy on my Gravity of Motion blog. The allergy posts are labeled "allergy". If you look at the left hand side of the blog, you can click on the Allergy label and see all of my posts.

  2. Hi Jane Anne. Welcome to my blog and thanks for your comment. It's nice to know that other parents feel the same concerns and nervousness as I do in regards to their child's peanut allergy. Christopher's school also serves PB&J sandwiches. I'm torn... part of me doesn't want to "dictate" what the other kids can or cannot eat, but a bigger part of me just wants to protect my son and write a petition to have "no peanuts in any form" on school property. Right now I'm focusing on the desensitization studies that are going, with the hopes that Christopher will eventually not have to worry about peanuts at all.
